
Providing mediators and mediation facilities for individuals, the business community & lawyers for Family, Civil and Commercial disputes.

We are here to help and given the advantages of mediation, the earlier a participant brings an issue to mediation, the better.


Mediation is often a faster and cheaper way of resolving disputes and so early referral to mediation can be an advantage. Our mediators are acutely aware of the cost, perils and pitfalls of litigation and the court process.

Most disputes arise from conflict between people in the context of business relationships, employment, family, property and inheritance. We all disagree with one another from time to time. At MWW we believe the best way to resolve those disagreements is by face to face discussion and not arm’s length negotiation.

It is impossible to go through life without a disagreement with someone. When you find yourself involved in a dispute, who do you turn to and how do you resolve the issue? The traditional way is through the legal process and the court system. There is another way and that is mediation. Mediation helps people resolve disputes and disagreements through controlled discussion and negotiation. Mediation brings people together to talk and listen without the pressure and anxiety caused by court proceedings. Mediation may not be for everyone and it may not be suitable for every dispute but it is becoming increasingly more popular as a cost effective and more civilised way of resolving disputes.

  • The civil mediation process is one in which two or more people involved in a dispute meet and with the help of a mutual third person (the mediator), work out a solution to their problem. Each participant describes the dispute from their point of view and in their own terms as well as how they think the matter can be resolved. It is the job of the mediator to help focus attention on the relevant issues and help the participants identify a workable solution.

    Why use mediation?

    The power remains with the participants with the aim of mediation to come to a private, cost effective arrangement without prejudice, whereby the parties avoid a deterioration in the relationship. Lawyers may remain involved and work creatively with their clients/participants, but not destructively.

  • When couples separate it is often difficult for them to communicate.  When a relationship breaks down, often no two people are at the same point emotionally.  Our Family Mediation Services offer a Family Mediator who will help couples discuss the important issues arising from their decision to separate by working with them to reach an agreement.

    How does Family Mediation work? 

    Couples will arrange a meeting with a mediator. An initial separate meeting is arranged for you both to attend individually to discuss what you hope to achieve from mediation. If mediation is to go ahead we will book a joint session with you both.  Those meetings usually last about an hour and a half.  Our mediator will help determine the issues that need to be discussed and what information needs to be provided.

    What sort of issues can be resolved through Family Mediation?

    Family Mediation can help you with a wide variety of issues, but is predominately used to discuss how to resolve financial matters after separation and the care of the children post separation. Family Mediation can also be a good way of discussing issues like how to communicate better with each other or narrower issues such as which parent will spend time with the children over Christmas.

    What are the advantages of Family Mediation?

    Family Mediation is often a more cost effective way to resolve issues arising from divorce and separation than litigating matters through the Family courts. It is also much quicker than the Court process and most importantly, mediation encourages you to make decisions for your family, rather than relying on a judge to make, often life changing decisions on your behalf.

    Family Mediation keeps children as its focus and discussions about finances and child arrangements are centred around making the best decisions for your children.

    How many sessions are needed and what will it cost?

    The Family Mediation process is driven and controlled by our clients, but it is usual for clients to have between 1 – 4 joint sessions with our Mediator. Joint sessions last around 90 minutes on average. Our hourly rate is between £240 and £270 and is usually paid for equally by you both.

    We also offer an initial MIAM appointment (Mediation Information and Assessment Meeting) for £100.

    There is an additional cost for preparing any paperwork required to record any decisions reached in Mediation, if you require it.

    How do I book Mediation?

    Please call any of our offices and we would be happy to assist you with booking an initial meeting with our Family Mediator.

    We look forward to working with you.